Project info
There are an estimated 1.419 million domestic cats in New Zealand.
We want to know how cats decide where to go. When given a choice of landscapes, what will they do? We want to know how variable that behavior is, and on what it depends. Does it matter if you have a fat cat or a skinny cat? Is a tropical cat different in its meanderings than a temperate one?
Cat tracker NZ is a Citizen Science project setup to help discover the secret life of your cat! If you own a cat, you will be able to get involved and find out where and how far your cat goes once it leaves your house!
The aims of this study are to investigate cat behaviour and management in New Zealand. We will use a Citizen Science approach. Citizen Science is a research methodology where scientists partner with the public to conduct scientific research. There are two parts to this project:
A social survey asking New Zealanders about their attitudes towards and management of domestic cats
A cat tracking study, where GPS units and cat harnesses will be loaned to the owners of Wellington cats to be attached to their cats to monitor their movement for one week. This research will help us to better understand cat management decisions by the community and it will inform cat management by local councils and government.
“The project combines GPS tracking and citizen science to turn cat owners into researchers. It aims to help better understand the cats’ home range, how much time they spend in different kinds of habitat, and how owners can manage pet cats to reduce their impact on wildlife”.
This project is also running in South Australia and the USA

- NZ Herald lifestyle News
Ethical Considerations
We think keeping cats indoors is the best strategy for protecting cat health and safety as well as that of wildlife.
Cat owners are responsible for knowing and complying with local statutes (aka leash laws) in their municipalities.
Owners choosing to let their cat outdoors assume the risks and responsibilities associated with their actions.
This research has been approved by Victoria University of Wellington’s Human Ethics and the Animal Ethics Committees.